Pressure Vessel
February 3, 2014
Jadwal Pelatihan Pressure Vessel
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Instructor by : Y. Agus Jayatun
This course studies important topics regarding the design, in-shop and in-service inspection, repair, alteration and re-rating of pressure vessels and storage tanks, with particular focus on practicality and “how to apply” the provisions of the ASME Pressure Vessel Code, specifically, Sections II, V, VII, IX and API 510; API 650, API 653 and API 2000. The methods outlined in these codes are key if one is to maintain a pressure vessel’s mechanical integrity throughout its design life. The design, inspection and repair techniques contained in the both the ASME and API codes apply to the full range of problems that arise during the life cycle of a pressure vessel.
This course maintains a balance between lecture and in-class exercises and between theory and application. Sample problems and case examples are dispersed throughout the course to emphasize the principles covered. The instructor has a warehouse of knowledge and experience that he passes along to help the participants get a unique multidiscipline approach in solving the problems associated with pressure vessels.
- History and organization of worldwide pressure vessel and storage tank codes
- Step-by-step procedures on how to design, perform in-shop and in-field inspections and repairs, perform alterations and re-rate a pressure vessel and storage tank
- Select the appropriate vessel specifications evaluate associated reports and determine allowable stresses
- Calculate stresses in pressure vessels and storage tanks
- Select the appropriate materials of construction for a pressure vessel and a storage tank
- Design a pressure vessel using the ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1 and 2
- When Division 2 is justified-How Division adds value-Which Division best fit your needs from one Situation to another
- Design a storage tank using API 650 and API 2000 for venting requirements
- Perform in-shop inspection of welding and fabrication
- Perform in-service inspection using NDE techniques such as: Magnetic Particle (MT), Ultrasonic (UT) and Radiographic (RT)
- Alter, repair and re-rate pressure vessels using NBIC and API 510
1. History and Organization of Pressure Vessel Codes
- Use of pressure vessels and equipment
- Organization of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
- Updating and interpreting the code
- ASME Code stamps
- Organization of the ASME/ANSI B31 Code for Pressure Piping
- Worldwide pressure vessel codes
- ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1 vs. Division 2
- ASME Code, Section IX, Welding
- ASME Code, Section I, Power Boilers
- Additional requirements employed by users in critical service
2. Selection of Vessel Specifications, Reports and Allowable Stresses
- Design specification and purchase orders
- Special design requirements
- Design reports and calculations
- Materials specifications
- ASME Code, Section II, Part D “Material Properties”
- Factors of safety
- Allowable tensile stresses in the ASME Code
- Allowable external pressure stress and axial compressive stress
- Allowable stresses in the ASME/ANSI B31 Code for pressure piping
- Allowable stresses in other codes of the world
3. Stresses in Pressure Vessels
- Design philosophy
- Stress analysis
- Strength theories
- Failures in pressure vessels
- Loadings
- Discontinuity stresses
- Stress concentrations
- Stresses in pressure vessel shells due to external pressure
4. Materials of Construction
- Material selection
- Non-ferrous alloys
- Ferrous alloys
- Heat treatment of steels
- Brittle fractures
- Hydrogen embrittlement
5. Materials Selection for Pressure Vessels
- General considerations
- Design factors
- ASME Code, Section II, Part D, “Material Properties”
- Temperature limitations
- Design to prevent brittle fracture
- Guidelines for materials selection
6. Mechanical Design of Pressure Vessels
- Owner/User’s and manufacturer’s responsibilities
- ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, “Pressure Vessels”
- ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2, “Alternate Rules”
- Determining design conditions
- Design pressure
- Mechanical design
- Design for internal and external pressure
- Openings and nozzle reinforcement
- Bolted flanged connection
- Minimum wall thickness and nominal plate sizes
- Design of welded joints
7. Fabrication, Welding and Inspection
- ASME Code, Section IX, “Welding and Brazing Qualifications”
- Plate materials
- Forming of shell and head components
- Nozzles
- Fabrication welds
- Welding processes and practices
- In-shop inspection
8. In-Service Inspection by Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)
- Code requirements
- National Board Inspection Code
- API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection Code
- ASME Code, Section V, “Non-Destructive Examination”
- Forms of deterioration
- Fitness-for-service analysis
- Non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques
– Magnetic Particle (MT)
– Ultrasonic (UT)
– Radiographic (RT)
9. Repair, Alteration and Re-Rating
- Code requirements
- Repairs
- Alteration
- Re-rating
10. General Information
- Tank types
- Roof selection
- Bottom selection
- Industry codes and standards
11. Material Selection
- Selection of materials for service conditions
- Selection of materials for brittle fracture prevention
- Selection of steel
- Internal and external corrosion problems
12. Tank Design
- General design considerations
- Basic data
- Tank sizing
- Safe oil height and low pump out determination
- Bottom design
- Shell design
- Seismic and wind design
- Roof design
- Review case studies
13. Foundations
- Soil considerations
- Concrete ringwall
- Crushed stone (gravel) ringwall
- Concrete slab
- Pile-supported concrete slab
- Leak detection and secondary containment
- Review case studies
14. Fabrication and Construction
- Foundation
- Bottom construction
- Shell construction
- Roof construction
- Erection sequences
- General considerations
- Review case studies
15. Inspection and Testing
- Inspection philosophy
- Inspection during fabrication
- Inspection after tank is in operation
- Inspection and testing techniques
- Non-destructive testing
- Recommended inspection methods for various repairs
- Review case studies
16. Fire Protection
- Common causes of fires
- Design considerations for fire fighting
- Location and spacing
- Drainage and impounding
- Fire suppression systems
- Design requirements related to fire protection
- Lightning protection
- Grounding requirements
17. Venting and Vapor Relief
– API RP 14C
– API 2000
- Determining venting requirements
- Means of venting fixed roof tanks
- Venting floating roof tanks
- Frangible joints
18. Maintenance and Repair
- Construction and testing failures
- In-service failures and repairs
- Out-of-service replacement or repairs
- Shell repair
- Bottom replacement or repair
- Fixed roof repair or replacement
- Weld repair
- Tank jacking
- Tank lining
Case Study
Training Kit
Flash disk
Lunch+ 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant