PT Fresh Galang Mandiri

Profesional - Komitmen - Kualitas

Piping System Mechanical Design and Specification

March 4, 2014

Piping System Mechanical Design and Specification

Jadwal Pelatihan Piping System Mechanical Design and Specification

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by : Saripudin 


  1. To learn Codes, Standard and Regulations for Pipeline
  2. To learn Technical Pipeline Documentation
  3. To learn flow characteristic inside pipeline
  4. To learn optimization of the pipe size selection
  5. To lern pipeline design loads and be able to conduct stress analysis
  6. To understand the ANSI Codes and ASME Codes for pipeline
  7. To lern pipe support analysis & design
  8. About line sizing and layout of piping systems in various types of facilities
  9. How to specify proper components for process and utility applications
  10. Compare alternative materials of construction
  11. The process of steelmaking, pipe manufacturing and material specifications
  12. Joining methods and inspection techniques
  13. Key considerations for flare and vent systems, including PSV sizing 


  1. Piping System
  2. Materials
  3. Fabrication, Assembly, Erection, And Maintenance
  4. Piping Documentation Technique System
  5. Pipe Fluida Failure
  6. Optimasi Pemilihan Diameter Pipa
  7. Sistem Kontrol Pada Instalasi Pipa : Valves
  8. Piping Design Loads
  9. Pipe Stress Analysis
  10. Pipe Stress Requirements
  11. Design Of Pressure Components
  12. Pipe Span Calculation
  13. Expansions Loops, Expansions Joints And Flanged Joints
  14. Pipe Support Systems
  15. Pipe materials and manufacturing
  16. Basic pipe stress analysis methods
  17. Valves and actuators
  18. Welding and non-destructive testing
  19. Line sizing basics (single-phase and multiphase flow)
  20. Pipe and valve material selection
  21. Piping layout and design
  22. Manifolds, headers, and flare/vent systems
  23. Non-metallic piping systems
  24. Operations and maintenance considerations of facilities and pipelines 


The course is intended for Piping engineers, mechanical engineers, maintenance engineers & supervisors, Service engineers & supervisors, technicians and inspectors responsible for the design, work over engineers & supervisors,plant Engineers and Petroleum Engineers.




Case Study



Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break



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Topik Training : Piping System Mechanical Design and Specification
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