Petroleum Engineering For Non Petroleum Engineering
December 18, 2015
Jadwal Pelatihan Petroleum Engineering For Non Petroleum Engineering
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Instructor by : Lela Widagda
This course provides non-technical support personnel an overview of the exploration/production process and arms them with the terminology associated with these procedures and practices which will increase their understanding of the process and facilitate communication between them and the engineers and geologists with whom they work..
The requirements for an exploration project
Tools, practices and terminology associated with drilling a well
Current offshore drilling equipment and practices
Application of directional and horizontal drilling
How openhole logs and cores are used to evaluate a well
Completion practices, including hydraulic fracture stimulation
How oil is produced from a well with artificial lift
About surface equipment used to gather, process and store produced fluids
Introduction and quick review of geology behind the process.
“Oil Well” video illustrating basic drilling and completion, as well as a blow-out.
Overview of on-shore drilling rigs: Design considerations, pros and cons of different systems.
Overview of Off-shore rigs: Submersibles, Floating platforms, Barges, Jack-up.
Directional Drilling Tools and Techniques: Identification of conditions requiring a directional well, horizontal well productivity, and pros and cons.
Well Completions: Completion methods – open-hole, perforating, wire-wrap; discussion of oil well production equipment – casing, tubing, review of cementing practices and procedures. Radial flow.
Reservoir Drive Mechanisms: Dissolved gas, Gas cap, Water and combo drives; Discussion of the impact of different drives on oil and gas production.
Improved Recovery Techniques: Waterflooding; Artificial lift options – gas lift, sucker rod pumps and electrical submersible pumps.
Handling Sub-Surface Fluids: Removing water, separating liquid and gas, storing the crude oil.
Well Log Analysis: SP and GR Logs; shaliness; porosity measurement – equation calculation; density logs/sonic logs; determining saturation.
Non-technical personnel working with and supporting engineers and geologists in the exploration/production process, such as geotechs, engineering assistants, landmen, technical clerks, etc. Plus, anyone needing, or wanting, an overview of petroleum engineering will find this seminar beneficial.
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
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: Petroleum Engineering For Non Petroleum Engineering