PT Fresh Galang Mandiri

Profesional - Komitmen - Kualitas

Media Communication

November 30, 2013

Media Communication

Jadwal Pelatihan Media Communication

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

This course is ideal for participants who have limited or no experience with the media and need to understand how the media operates, effectively communicate their messages in the media, start or expand a media/PR career.

– For Participants:

  • Greater confidence when preparing and delivering media presentations.
  • Clear understanding of how technical elements can impact on your performance.
  • Physical and vocal techniques to respond to a variety of media scenarios.
  • Rehearsal techniques to enhance media presentations.
  • Performance techniques to deal effectively with difficult questions.
  • You will learn how to promote your organisation or business using the media as a promotional tool.

– For Company or Organization:

  • Communicating effectively with the media will ensure your organisation’s messages are focused, delivered professionally, and    retained by your audiences. Reputations can be protected or recovered when the right messages are delivered in the right way.


  • Workplace and personal communication skills
  • Public speaking
  • Presenting to small and large audiences
  • Physical presence and body language
  • Technology and you
  • Social media messaging
  • Voice and the media presenter
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Presentations with impact
  • Impromptu presentations to camera
  • Hitting your mark
  • Tips and tricks:

–  How to ensure your media messages achieve your objective
–  How to write an effective media release
–  How to distribute a media release
–  How to deliver media messages with confidence
–  How to deliver media messages naturally
–  How to take control of a media interview
–  Avoiding social media pitfalls
–  How to deal with difficult questions or issues
–  How to deal with questions you can’t answer

This course is designed for staff or individuals who have had limited contact with the media, but may be called on to be spokespeople or assist senior spokespeople in a supporting role.

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation


Training Kit
1 x Lunch
2 X Coffee Break

Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Media Communication
*Jumlah Peserta Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

Personal Data

*Jabatan Jabatan/Divisi/Departement
*Nama Perusahaan
*Alamat Perusahaan
*Email Perusahaan
*Email Alternatif eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail
*Telepon Kantor
* Harus di isi
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