Managing Conflict and Difficult People
March 22, 2014
Jadwal Pelatihan Managing Conflict and Difficult People
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Instructor by : Drs. H. Syafaruddin Alwi, M.Si.
- Identify conflict management styles.
- Describe the skills necessary to effectively engage in conflict.
- Describe approaches to conflict in terms of the conflict management modes.
- Create a conflict management plan.
- Insight into what makes some people more difficult to manage than others.
- Awareness of their own behaviour drivers and triggers and how they impact on the situation.
- Active practice of tools and techniques which they can take away to deal with difficult people more effectively.
- What do we mean by difficult people?
- The impact of difficult people – why we need to tackle the issue and what happens if we don’t
- Different types of difficult behaviour
- Conflict and conflict management
- How do people respond to conflict?
- Learning About Conflict Modes
- Creating an Individual Conflict Management Plan
- Successful conflict resolution depends on your ability to regulate stress and your emotions
- Listening
- Emotion control when faced with other people conflict
- Techniques for tackling the different sorts of difficult behaviour
- Keeping your sanity – managing stressful situations
- Conflict Resolution Techniques:
- WIN/WIN Approach
- Managing Emotions
- Negotiation Skills
- Assertiveness Skills
- Persuasive Skills
- Identify the ways to help other people safely manage some of their repressed or expressed anger
- Building confidence in effective communication with difficult people :
- Language, body language, assertiveness
- Sharing the responsibility – looking at organisational processes and allies in managing difficult behaviour
Team leader, supervisor, manager and anyone who want to improve their skills
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
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