Integrated Maintenance Management
August 23, 2016
Jadwal Pelatihan Integrated Maintenance Management
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- Memberikan informasi tentang bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan pengawasan yang ketat serta meningkatkan komunikasi untuk mencapai pengaturan yang lebih baik dari pekerjaan perawatan.
- Mengarahkan pada penyiapan format sistem perintah kerja-penggunaan jadwal harian, mingguan dan bulanan, program tepat waktu dan perencanaan perubahan biaya untuk menjaga agar biaya perawatan tetap rendah.
- Memberi perintah tentang bagaimana cara mengenal biaya operasi yang berubah menurut operasi pabrik dan penggunaan peralatan, bagaimana cara menganalisa factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efisiensi karyawan dan bagaimana cara bekerja dalam anggaran dengan tetap dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan perawatan tepat waktu.
- Menyajikan cakupan untuk seluruh unsure-unsur utama dari program perawatan pencegahan dan bagaimana cara mengimplementasikannya.
- Mengurangi frekuensi dan waktu tidak produktif.
- Mengoptimasi biaya perawatan.
- Meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan.
- Menguasai bagaimana melakukan perancangan awal pekerjaan, termasuk pekerjaan darurat, secara efektif.
- Memahami bagaimana cara melakukan penjadwalan dan pengorganisasian aliran pekerjaan.
- Meningkatkan efisiensi prosedur pelaporan
- Maintenance Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisor/ Engineer
- Plant Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisor/ Engineer
- Operation Manager/ Superintendent/ Supervisor/ Engineer
1. Introduction
- Maintainability
- Maintainability in Life-Cycle System
- Life-Cycle Cost (LCC)
- Cost Effectiveness (CE)
- Total Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) Visibility
- Commitment of Life-Cycle Cost
- Maintainability & Related Interfaces
- Maintenance
- Maintenance Category
- Maintenance Function
- Maintenance Time Relationship
2. Reliability Factors
- Reliability Function
- Failure rate and MTBF
- Series, Parallel and Combined Network
- Probability of Survival
- Reliability Growth Curves
3. Key Requirements For Effective Maintenance
- Gambling With Maintenance
- Profit-and Customer-Centered Maintenance
- Where is Your CMO?
- Key Requirements
4. Maintenance Challenges
- Four Real Challenges
- Challenge One
- Challenge Two
- Challenge Three
- Challenge Four
- Validate Results Improvement
- Ensure Top Leaders
- The Need of PCC Approach
- Do not Kill the Goose
- Do not Gamble with Maintenance Costs
- Do not be a Takeover Target
5. Maintenance Information
- Source of Maintenance Work
- Maintenance Work Order
- Design of W/O
- Types of W/O Form
- Field on W/O Form
- Repair History Jacket
6. Managing Preventive Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance
- PM Strategy for 3 Equip. Life Cycles
- Justifying PM Expenditures
- Installing PM Systems
- Access to Equipment
- PM FREQUENCY: How often to Perform the PM
- Common Task
- Staffing the PM Effort
- Strategies to Get PM Done
- Steps to Install a PM System
- PM System Increase Professionalism
7. Planning And Scheduling
- What is Planning?
- How Much will Planning Help?
- Planning Mission
- Why Maintenance doesn’t Assign Enough Work
- Advance Scheduling is An Allocation
- WO Planing Flowchart
- Plan Follow Up
8. Estimating Maintenance Budget
- Pendahuluan
- Zero-Based Budget (Z-BB)
- How to Start?
- Estimasi Maintenance Budget
9. Maintenance Store And Inventory Control
- Introduction
- Maintenance Store Component
- Conditions Tending to Increase Maintenance Stores Inventory
- Conditions Tending to Reduce Maintenance Stores Inventory
- Centralized vs Decentralized Storeroom
- Principles of Maintenance Stores Control
- Procedural Guidance and Recommendations
10 .Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
- Benefits of Improved CMMS
- CMMS Justification
- Determining the True Need for CMMS
- Determining Maintenance Best Practices Needed
- CMMS Evaluation and Selection Process
- Establish the CMMS Team
- Get Outside Help when Needed
11. Maintenance Performance Indicators
- Performance Measures versus Benchmarking
- Benchmarking
- Performance Measures
- Measuring MPI
12. Predictive Maintenance
- Pendahuluan
- Pemantauan Getaran
- Thermography
- Tribology
- Process Parameters
- Ultrasonic Monitoring
- Visual Inspection
- Teknik NDT Lain
- Program Pd.M Optimal
- Implementasi Program Pd.M
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch, 2 X Coffee Break