PT Fresh Galang Mandiri

Profesional - Komitmen - Kualitas

Enginering Material Selection

August 2, 2014

Enginering Material Selection

Jadwal Pelatihan Enginering Material Selection

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by : I Nengah Diasta


This unit introduces participant to materials available for the fabrication of engineering components and structures. Participant will be instructed on the fundamentals of the role of composition and structure of materials in their mechanical properties that are important for engineering design. Students will also learn how the materials with undesirable microstructure can lead to premature failures, particularly as a result of their interaction with aggressive environment. The knowledge thus developed will provide a basis for advanced learning on a systematic approach to materials selection as well as the methods by which the materials with the desired mechanical properties can be processed. Case studies will be presented to highlight the importance of selecting appropriate materials for engineering design


  • Understand the importance of selecting appropriate materials in engineering design
  • Develop an awareness of the types and range of materials available for engineering components/structures
  • Understand the usage and the limitations of engineering materials
  • Understand the response of materials to typical engineering conditions
  • Develop the skills to select appropriate materials in engineering design based on mechanical properties and operational requirements such as weight constraints and failure prevention
  • Apply this knowledge to materials selection: to improve durability of the fabricated component (such as welds) and prevent failure, and to minimize the amount of materials.
  • Understand the importance of appropriate corrosion prevention techniques in harsh operating environments and strategy to increase the lifetime of materials
  • Appropriate use of important and relevant material properties in engineering design
  • Knowledge to select from a large range of materials available for engineering components/structures
  • The knowledge and practical application of the structure of the materials and methods for modification of materials microstructure and control of material properties
  • The knowledge and practical application of improving the durability of the fabricated component (such as welds) and prevent failure, and to minimize the amount of material usage
  • Apply these skills to select appropriate materials for engineering design and the related operating environment
  • Develop an ability to use a systematic approach for materials selection




Case Study



Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break



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Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Enginering Material Selection
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*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

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