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This training aims to increase knowledge and insights regarding the power system analysis. To simulate the results of analysis used software applications ETAP. The training focused on analysis of medium voltage electric power network to a low voltage which includes the power flow study, short circuit analysis, Transient and Harmonic analysis so that after the training participants will be able to:
1. Electric Power Grid Representation and Characteristic.
System overview, Elements of Electrical Power System, per-unit System
2. Building One-Line Diagram Using ETAP
Add Elements, Select & Deselect Elements, Element and Connector Colors, Relocate Elements, Cut, Copy, & Paste, Size, Symbol, & Orientation, Protective Devices, Nodes & Buses, Group & Ungroup, Composite Networks
3. Load Flow Calculation Methods
Newton-Raphson, Fast-Decoupled, Gaus-Siedel
4. Load Flow Study Using ETAP
Load Flow Toolbar, Load Flow Study Case Editor, Load Flow Display Options, Load Flow Calculation Methods, Load Flow Required Data, Load Flow Output Reports
5. Fault Calculation Methods
Impedance Method, Symetrical Component Method
6. Short-Circuit Analysis
Short-Circuit Toolbar, Short-Circuit Study Case Editor, Short-Circuit Display Options, Short-Circuit Required Data, Short-Circuit Output Reports
7. Motor Starting Analysis
Motor Starting Methods, Motor Starting Calculation
8. Motor Starting Analysis Using ETAP
Motor Starting Toolbar, Motor Starting Study Case Editor, Info Page, Model Page, Time Event Pages, Add Action by Starting Category, Add Action by Load, Motor Starting Display Options, Motor Starting Calculation Methods, Motor Starting Required Data, Motor Starting Output Reports, Motor Starting Time Slider Toolbar
9. Transient Stability Anaysis
Purpose for Performing Transient Stability Study, Power System Stability Definition, Stability Limits
10. Transient Stability Anaysis Using ETAP
Transient Stability Toolbar, Transient Stability Study Case Editor, Info Page, Events Page, Dyn Model Page, Transient Stability Plots, Transient Stability Required Data, Transient Stability Output Reports, Transient Stability Time Slider Toolbar
11. Harmonic Analysis
Definition, Harmonic Parameters, Harmonic Sources
12. Harmonic Analysis Using ETAP
Harmonic Analysis Toolbar, Harmonic Analysis Study Case Editor, Harmonic Analysis Display Options, Harmonic Analysis Calculation Methods, Harmonic Analysis Required Data, Harmonic Analysis Output Reports, Harmonic Analysis Order-Slider, Harmonic Analysis Frequency-Slider
13. Ligthning & Transformer Analysis
14. Grounding System Analysis
15. Analysis of electrical distribution system
16. Relay setting & Coordination
17. High Voltage Testing
18. Analysis Power System Simulator (PSS) Equipment
The Operators, Technicians, Engineers and Supervisors who want to understand and improve their knowledge in conducting power system analysis.
Case Study
Training Kit
Flash disk
2x Coffee Break
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Topik Training | : Electrical Power System Analysis Using ETAP |
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