PT Fresh Galang Mandiri

Profesional - Komitmen - Kualitas

Digital Learning – Mechanical and Electrical Components

March 11, 2022

Digital Learning – Mechanical and Electrical Components

Jadwal Pelatihan Digital Learning – Mechanical and Electrical Components

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To provide basic concepts, principles and to introduce the techniques and methodology of reliability assessment and evaluation as applied to Mechanical & Electrical Components, Equipment and Mechanical Plant Systems and Sub-systems.


  1. Introduction
  2. Implications of Mechanical & Electical Reliability
  3. Definition of Mechanical & Electrical Reliability
  4. Reliability and Rates of Failures
  5. System Safety Analysis
  6. Human Error
  7. Routine Operations
  8. Emergency Operations
  9. Methods of Analysis
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Topik Training : Digital Learning – Mechanical and Electrical Components
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