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Instructor by : Herry Achmad Buchory
Credit analyzing process of debitur sometimes can be complicated. It is not only the matter of achieving sales target but also the matter of risk management strategy.
Inappropriate risk management strategy may allow loss in the company as non performing loan or bad debt. Improvement in credit analyst strategy and skills will perform increasing in company revenue and decreasing in NPL (Non Performing Loan).
This comprehensive and practical course provides the key skills needed.
Various skills such as Gathering Information, Preparing Interview, Interviewing and Requesting Additional Information, Checking Credit, Analyzing, Preparing Report, Visiting or Telephone Calling, Post Credit Analyzing activities will be intensively discussed in this program with the aim of developing you as a successful credit analyst and improving your existing skills.
After attending this program, participants will be better able to:
1. Principal Concept of Credit Analyst
2. Roles, responsibilities, and attitude of a STAR Credit Analyst
3. Steps in analyzing credit : Gathering Information, Preparing Interview, Interviewing and Requesting Additional Information, Checking Credit, Analyzing, Preparing Report
4. Techniques in analyzing credit : 1P 5C
5. Principal of Survey
6. Building rapport
7. Matching needs and presenting solutions
8. Getting agreement – handling objections or inquiries
9. Post Credit Analyzing activities
10. Lots of tips and videos for successful credit analyst
This Program is recommended to all new credit analyst and those who want to improve or refresh their ability as a professional credit analyst.
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participants
Data Materi Training | |
Topik Training | : Credit Analyst |
Link | |
*Jumlah Peserta | Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan |
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan | |
Personal Data | |
*Nama | |
*Jabatan | Jabatan/Divisi/Departement |
*Nama Perusahaan | |
*Alamat Perusahaan | |
*Email Perusahaan | |
*Email Alternatif | eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail |
*Telepon Kantor | |
Ekstensi | |
*Handphone | |
* Harus di isi | |