PT Fresh Galang Mandiri

Profesional - Komitmen - Kualitas

Control Valves : Selection, Operation and Maintenance

May 28, 2014

Control Valves : Selection, Operation and Maintenance

Jadwal Pelatihan Control Valves : Selection, Operation and Maintenance

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Instructor by : Syarifuddin


Valves are, unquestionably, the most important part of any piping and pumping system because they direct the flow of fluids and regulate temperatures. Properly used and maintained, they can improve process efficiency and lower costs. It is wise to apply the basics of proper valve maintenance in ways that improve their life cycle and operating efficiency. Here are eight often-overlooked valve maintenance basics that can help you do just that.
Five years ago, the management at Vulcan Chemicals, a business group of Vulcan Materials Company, commissioned a study to identify components representing high annual maintenance costs. The outcome: instead of expected high-ticket items like heat exchangers and pumps gobbling up dollars, it was determined that valves and piping represented up to 80% of the maintenance budget’s allocations in certain cost centers.
The study indicated annual potential savings of up to $500,000 in valve replacement costs alone if a program could be developed to guide purchasing and improve maintenance procedures.


1. Control Valve

Preface, Components and function of valve body, Type of valve according stem movement, Types of plug, Plug guiding, Characteristics flow of control valve, Valve and its characteristics, Design features and considerations

2. Actuator and Positioner

Function and selection criteria of actuator, Diaphragm and piston actuator, Type of actuator action, Electrical actuator, Function, objective and location of positioner, Positioner action

3. Accessories for Control Valve

Hand wheels or operator manual, Snubber, Limit switch, Supply pressure regulator, Booster relay, Fail safe system, On-off relays

4. Control Valve Selection

Information for selection of control valve, Materials of control valve, Corrosion resistance material, Selection of flow characteristics,

5. Control Valve Sizing

Preface, Flow capacity coefficient, Liquid service, Cavitations and flashing, Choked flow, Damages due to cavitations and flashing, How to avoid corrosion and cavitations on control valve, Cavitations index, Gas or steam service, Gas sizing universal, Sizing for mixing gas-liquid, Actuator sizing, Actuator for sliding and rotary stem valve, Valve sizing using software

6. Valve Problems and Maintenance Activities:

Noise in valve, Noise Control, Fluid behaviors, Problems in control valve and its solution, Maintenance problems of control valve, Troubleshooting analysis, Hands-on activities


  • Instrumentation Engineers & Technicians
  • Design and Process Engineers
  • Operation, Piping, Mechanical and Plant Engineers
  • Maintenance Technician and supervisors
  • Service Engineers and supervisors
  • Work over engineers and supervisors
  • Asset Manager Team members
  • Everybody who are responsible for selecting, purchasing, or repairing control valves.




Case Study



Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


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